Große Räume, Empfangshallen, Konferenzzimmer, Flure, Treppenhäuser und Büros in moderner Bauweise werden vielfach mit schallabsorbierenden Deckensegeln, Trennwänden, akustischen Raumteilern und teils Teppichen ausgestattet.
Weiterhin reflektieren in offenen Räumen akustische Schallwellen in hohem Maße aber die großen Wandflächen.
Um all das zu vermeiden, wählst du am besten Akustikbilder.
Akustikbilder auf schallabsorbierendem Canvas liegen im Trend. Sie eignen sich hervorragend zur Eindämmung Schall empfindlicher Räume, etwa bei glatten Betonwänden. Besonders, wenn mehrere Personen in einem großen Raum arbeiten, kann es zu unpassendem Nachhall kommen. Ebenso in Konferenzräumen, in denen meetings gehalten werden, empfinden Gesprächspartner|innen einen nachhallenden Raum als anstrengend.
Genauso hallt in modernen Privaträumen der Sprechschall oft nach. Das kann unangenehm und störend wirken.
Übrigens bestehen schallabsorbierende Bilder aus zertifiziertem feuerfestem Canvas, der mit umweltfreundlichen Farben bedruckt wird und bestens für Allergiker geeignet ist.
Sound absorbing pictures
Large rooms, reception halls, conference rooms, corridors, stairwells and offices in modern construction are often equipped with sound-absorbing ceiling sails, partitions, acoustic room dividers and sometimes carpets.
Furthermore, however, large wall surfaces in open spaces reflect acoustic sound waves to a high degree.
To avoid all this, acoustic pictures can be perfectly installed.
Acoustic pictures are in vogue. They are perfect for containing sound sensitive rooms, such as smooth concrete walls. Especially when several people work in a large office space, there may be inappropriate reverberation. Likewise, in conference rooms where meetings are held, listeners find a reverberant room stressful.
Likewise, in modern private rooms, speech sound often reverberates. This can be unpleasant and disturbing.
Acoustic pictures are therefore the appropriate choice for containing uncontrolled sound waves. They should fit into rooms with the choice of motifs and colors to enable pleasant and inspiring life and work.
You can find a large selection in the store under acoustic pictures.
With this collection you can now have in your office or conference rooms sound reducing images that fit your style and the decor of your rooms.
The collection is consequently limited since the beginning and therefore grants its individual character with high brand recognition.
Let all the works have an effect on you!
Feel free to call me anytime: 040 511 7969
Please note:
Acoustic pictures are handmade in complex manufacturing processes. Delivery usually takes 4 weeks after order confirmation. Acoustic pictures are delivered from 150 x 100 cm with a shipping company. They are delivered exclusively in Germany. Shipping abroad is not possible.